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Business Scopes and Business Regions
Source:sc-hgsj    Hits:32854    Time:2010-11-25 14:00:47    Collection

Business Scope:
(1) Design:process design,basic design and detailed design
(2) Consulting:project planning,site selection and evaluation,project proposal,feasibility study(prefeasibility study),techno-economic analysis,construction cost consulting,post project evaluation,post management consulting,satefy evaluation,environmental evaluation and occupational health evaluation consulting.
(3) Project management and general contracting: engineering design,equipment(materials) procurement and delivery,construction management and start-up guidance.
Specialized Fields:Inorganic chemical engineering,petroleum and basic organic chemical engineering, coal chemical engineering,fine chemical engineering,environment protection engineering,
industrial and civil architecture,special equipment design,waste heat power station,gas station,pharmeceuticals
Business Regions
(1) Over 3000 domestic and overseas projects completed
(2) Over 60 national or provincal(ministerial)awards

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