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Insist on the Creation of Design Promote the Development of Recycling Economy
Source:sc-hgsj    Hits:23997    Time:2010-12-09 14:59:21    Collects

    SCEDI pays attention to the technology progresses and developments and commits to applying the mature scientific achievements to the engineering design actively. Especially in the area of sulfuric acid and phosphorus chemical industry, we have accumulated a wealth of engineering design experiences and research achievements, applied to specific engineering design, carried forward the development of recycling economy and achieved obvious economic and social benefits. A number of theses are written by our team of experts such as senior engineer professor Wenzhuo Zhong、Shugang Wei etc.which summarized in the way to promote recycling economy development of scientific achievements and the successful experiences in specific engineering design sculpture & phosphorous chemical industry have published in the key to Chinese technology journal—Sulphuric Acid Industry,Collected Papers of China National Seminar on Development of Sulphur Phosphorous Industry,2000,Collected Papers of National Sulphur Industry Technical Conferene,2007,Collected Papers of the 12th National Chemical Sulfuric Acid and Posphate Design Technology Center Annual Meeting July,2008,Collected Papers of the 13th Annual Meeting etc. “Neutralization and Filtration of Liquid Sulfur in Sulfur-burning Sulfuric Acid Plants”, which is written by Wenzhuo Zhong, has excerpted on Chemical Abstracts,Number 16,Volume 133--published by the American Chemical Society. Sodium-Based FGD Process for Coal-Fired Power Station Based on a Recycling Economy System ,written by W.Zhong and S.Wei etc. was read in International Conference in Rome, Italy, on 2nd -5th November 2008, also recorded and published in the annual meeting proceedings. Furthermore, it won the “Excellent Paper” second prize of Excellent Paper warded by National Chemical Sulfuric Acid and Phosphate Design Center and in 2008.Sulfuric-Based waste acid from titanium and making Sulfuric of  waste ferrous sulfate evolution won the second prize of Excellent Paper warded by Sulfuric Acid and Phosphate  working group of CPCESDA & National Chemical Sulfuric Acid and Phosphate Design Center ,2010.Sodium-Based FGD Process to Making Sulfuric Acid for Fossil-fired Power Satations Based on a Recycling Economy System won the first prize of Excellent Paper warded by National Chemical Sulfuric Acid and Phosphate Design Center.

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