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Meticulous Design,Owner’s Satisfaction,Promote Development
Source:sc-hgsj    Hits:10936    Time:2010-12-03 15:34:24    Collects

    On 17th August 2010, Dazhou Koyo Chemical Co. Ltd, 400kt/a synthetic ammonia and 450kt/a urea of the annual produce project which is invested by Hong Kong Koyo Group has been put into operation. For our institute part, we are in charge of the site selection, FSR planning, preliminary design and construction drawing design. Acting in the spirit of meticulous design, owner’s satisfaction and promote development, we have built a brilliant and efficient design group led by specialists. In order to make good design work, they make sufficient and detailed research. According to the national regulation and contract requirement, we make well-designed of public work and auxiliary facility such as general plot plan and transportation, progress,automatic control, electric transformer, water supply and drainage in the whole design procedure. During the construction and installation process of the project, our expert group interacted with owner, construction workers and supervisions units, handled and solved the problems in the construction promptly and be praised by relevant units, which ensured the establishment and production smoothly of this project. The completion and entering into production of this project is not only contributes to promote and facilitate the development of chemical industries and related industries in east and west area of Sichuan, but also promote the fertilizer domain of Koyo Group furthering development. Chengdu Business Daily, Dazhou Channel branch of Xinhua Net and Sichuan Online have been reported this in depth on August 9th, 2010.

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