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SCEDI signed a design contract for 3 sets of 400kt/a sulfuric acid production plant
Source:sc-hgsj    Hits:8972    Time:2011-08-18 10:24:20    Collects

SCEDI signed a design contract for 3 sets of 400kt/a sulfuric acid production plant using fine sulfur sand blended with ferrous sulfate as raw materials
Lomon Titanium Co., Ltd.2*300kt/a sulfuric acid production plant using fine sulfur sand blended with ferrous sulfate as raw materials which designed by our institute (SCEDI) successfully started up with first ignition, and successfully blended with ferrous sulfate on March 14. So far the plant runs well; production capacity and energy comsumption meet the standard.
The built plant creates a new mode for sulfuric acid process titanium dioxide pigment production to form an industrial chain of sulfuric acid -titanium products. Through the comprehensive utilization of ferrous sulfate slag, it not only increases enterprise benefit, also reduces the negative impact on environment of traditional stacking method of ferrous sulfate slag, which will have a far-reaching and significant positive impact on sulfuric acid process titanium dioxide pigment production, and make contribution to the sustainable development of chemical industry and the promotion of circular economy development.
Therefore, Sichuan Lomon Group increased the investment to the sulfuric acid industry by sulfur blending with ferrous sulfate, and signed a design contract for 3 sets of 400kt/a sulfuric acid production plant using fine sulfur sand blended with ferrous sulfate as raw materials. with these three sets of sulfuric acid plants putting into production, SCEDI will accumulate more successful experience & stable and complete technology in the engineering design and construction field of sulfuric acid plant using sulfur blending with ferrous sulfate as raw materials.

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